Custom Designed Downstream Manufacturing Tool Delivered in 24 Hours

Our team designed, tested and delivered a customized cutting tool to the plant floor by the next day, giving our client the ability to meet their own customer’s expectations.

Project Brief

Our client manufactures a plastic product that requires hand-cutting at the end of the production line. The knife solution they were using was unsafe and created a ragged edge on the plastic. With one of their best customers coming for an inspection within 24 hours, they had an immediate, urgent need for a cutting solution that would consistently produce a clean edge and ultimately enhance the safety of employees. Our team designed, tested and delivered a customized cutting tool to the plant floor by the next day, giving our client the ability to meet their own customer’s expectations.

Our design team saw the problem, observed the current process, then custom designed a cutting tool for use by downstream employees. It was tested and iterated several times and is now used throughout our client’s many manufacturing locations.

Product Photos